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Exhibition of principles & practices for the design and delivery of real world education
Shared Thinking: Towards a Culture of Collective Work-Based Learning and PDP Bowskill, N., Brindley, S., Cutts, Q., Lally, V. & Draper, S., University of Glasgow Further information is available at the web site http://www.sharedthinking.info
Surrey Lifewide Learning Award: a means of supporting real world education
Charlie Betts,SCEPTrE
Room 1 5x5 Presentations
Joan Cartledge
'Equipping students for the real world: An enquiry based approach to learning and employability'
Karen Dack and Jane Leng
'Using digital stories to capture learning gained from real world experiences'
Sibyl Coldham
'A role for the cliet in personal and professional learning'
Norman Jackson
'Real World Education through Co- and Extra-Curricular Academies'
Room 2 5x5 Presentations
Paul Beedie
'Vocational sensitivity and curriculum development in sports related degrees'
Jenny Willis
'How Creative Arts Students Really Develop Themselves'
Vilma Tubutiene and Jurate Valuckiene
'Service learning as integration of academic and ‘real world’ learning environment'
Doug Foster
'Using Values Exchange to help prepare students for the ethical challenges they will meet in the real world'
Chris Stanage
'CoLab student organisation as a real world learning experience'
Anna Vartapatience
'Virtual worlds for real learning'
Room 3 5x5 Presentations
Pauline Brooks
'Enhancing students' professional competency, empolyability and entrepreneurial skills through real-world project based learning'
Novie Johan
'Gap year as immersive travel/ cultural experience'
Catherine Smith
'Alternative real worlds in the creative arts: non-traditional
ways of gaining work experience in the 'new age of austerity''
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